Redeeming Gift Certificates or Coupon Codes

How to redeem your Gift Certificate or Coupon Code.


If you receive a Gift Certificate or Coupon by email it will contain details of the sender (possibly along with a short message from them) along with a link or code that you can use to redeem for account credit which you can then spend on our site. 


  • You will then be prompted to create an account.
  • Once done the Gift Certificate is validated and the appropriate credit added to your account for you to spend it on whatever you want!
  • To use your account credit, just be sure to check the box at checkout that says "Click here to use account credit."  You will see your order total adjusted on the next page before you actually complete your order. mceclip0


If you received a code

  • Place an item into your cart and proceed to checkout. 
  • On the Payment page there will be a box to Redeem Code.  Enter the code here, and click the Redeem button.mceclip0
  • The code will be validated and the credit added to your account.
  • You can then use the amount to purchase any menu item. As above, to use your account credit, just be sure to check the box at checkout that says "Click here to use account credit."  You will see your order total adjusted on the next page before you actually complete your order. 
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