Here's how to download your files using the Library App
Downloading Your Library
After the Library Client loads your library data it will begin scanning the designated download folder for any files it recognizes from our servers. At this point the Library Client is ready to begin downloading.
Please note that in the version downloading is disabled until the folder scan has completed.
How to sync your previously downloaded files.
What is the scanning of destination folder?
Options for downloading your files - Download all your files, a single title, or just a specific file.
What is Selection mode?
Syncing previously downloaded files
If you have previously downloaded files from your My Library, the Library Client is designed to recognize any files from our servers. We recommend doing one of the following before downloading anything in the Library Client.
Change the Download Directory:
- Click on Settings
(gear icon at the top right) and change the Download Directory to the folder where the already downloaded files are. Click Save Changes.
- It will go back to the main library screen and start scanning the folder. When the scan starts a gray bar will appear at the bottom saying Scanning destination folder.
- As the scan completes the downloaded titles will be openable. In list view an i icon will appear in place of the download icon, and in tile view the cover image will now be in full color
Move the files to the Download Directory:
- Move the files to the folder that the Download Directory in Settings
is set to.
- Open the Library Client and click Sync library data.
- The Library Client will start scanning the folder. When the scan starts a gray bar will appear at the bottom saying Scanning destination folder.
- As the scan completes the downloaded titles will be openable. In list view an i icon will appear in place of the download icon, and in tile view the cover image will now be in full color.
Scanning of Download directory/destination folder
The app is designed to scan the designated download directory for files it recognizes as being from our servers. This folder scan will occur when you first log into the Library Client, each time you launch the app, after performing a Sync library data, and after a Download All. Only in the version of the app downloads are disabled during the scan.
Please note the amount of time it takes the folder scan to complete will depend on: how large your library is, how many files are in the folder, and the setup/type of storage you are using for your files.
If there is a gray bar at the bottom with the status message Scanning destination folder then the scan is still running. The status message can be closed by clicking on the x on the right hand side, but that will not stop the scan.
Downloading Your Files
When you are ready to download your files there are a couple of options to choose from.
Download All - Clicking this will begin downloading all files that have yet to be downloaded
Downloading files for a specific title - In the main Library screen click on the download icon or use selection mode to download all the files for that title that are not downloaded yet.
List View: Click on the download icon (blue with a white arrow pointing down) on the right hand side or check the selection circle on the left hand side and download in the selection mode
Tile View: Click on the download icon (blue with a white arrow pointing down) in the middle or check the selection circle in the top left hand corner and download in the selection mode
Downloading a specific file - First navigate to the title's information page (click on the i icon in list view or the red and grey bar at the bottom of the cover in tile view). Find the file you want to download. Then click the download icon (blue with a white arrow pointing down). The file list looks similar to the title bar in list view shown above.
Selection Mode
Selecting a title or clicking on the Select all button will go to the selection mode.
The titles that appear are will depend on how you filter your library before entering selection mode (ie if you search for bard and then go to selection mode - only titles that have a match for bard will appear).
In this mode the download icons are disabled. Only Download Selected and Download All will start downloads. To leave the selection mode click on Cancel.
Select all will select all your titles. Clicking unselect all will remove all the selections. When you are ready to download your selected titles click on Download Selected in the top left side.
List View: Clicking anywhere on the title bar or cover icon will select or unselect the title. When a title is selected a green check mark will appear on the left hand side.
Tile View: Select a title by clicking in the top left corner When a title is selected a green check mark will appear in the corner. Then clicking anywhere on the cover will remove the selection.